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Start Art 8 45 RT START STAGE 20 Mix French ultramarine with sap green and add a touch of cadmium red. Still using the size 2 brush, use this mix to shade the leaves and sepals. STAGE 21 Repeat the shading process on the stems using a stronger mix of sap green and Winsor yellow. STAGE 22 Use the size 5 to wash a fairly strong mix of cadmium red and alizarin crimson over the petals of the flower, avoiding the highlights. Repeat on the bud. STAGE 23 Allow the paint to dry and repeat the wash over the flower head and bud.Again, be careful not to cover the highlights. STAGE 24 Using the size 2 brush, apply a mix of cadmium yellow and manganese blue to the undersides of the leaves and the leftmost sepal. Develop the sepals with sap green. STAGE 25 Using pure cadmium red and the size 5 brush, lay in another wash over the flower head and the bud. When strengthening areas, be careful to leave the areas of highlight alone to maintain and enhance the three- dimensional effect t t t t t t

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