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Start Art 8 46 STAGE 26 Lay in another wash over the leaves using a mix of sap green and French ultramarine. STAGE 27 Mix Winsor yellow with a little sap green and use the size 2 to strengthen the petiole (the stalk that connects the leaf to the main stem). Use a dilute wash, and leave the bend on the stem lighter than the rest as a highlight. Develop the thorns with a mix of alizarin crimson and cadmium red. STAGE 28 Mix sap green with neutral tint, and use the size 0000 to add veins to the leaves, to darken the shadow areas on the sepals beneath the petals and on the thorns. STAGE 29 Wet the raised areas on the top of the lower leaf using the size 3 brush and clean water (see inset). Dab clean, dry kitchen paper on to the area to lift out highlights. STAGE 30 Use the size 2 to apply neutral tint to areas that are overlapped or in shadow, such as the stem beneath the leaf. Blend the tint out with clean water. STAGE 31 Apply a very dilute wash of French ultramarine to the outer petals of the rose.Allow to dry, then apply a very dilute wash of cadmium red over the inner petals and the bud. STAGE 32 Use a very dilute wash of transparent yellow over the leaves, then leave to dry to finish.When completely dry, lightly remove any pencil marks with your putty eraser. t t t t t t t

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