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Start Art 8 43 RT START STAGE 6 Glaze the leaves and sepals with clean water, then add a little French ultramarine to the green mix. Use this slightly darker mix to paint the area to the left of the midrib on the largest leaf. Paint into the serrations of the leaf. STAGE 7 Paint a graded wash of the green mix to the right of the midrib, leaving a highlight as shown, then paint the other leaves in the same way. STAGE 8 Mix manganese blue with cadmium yellow and use this to lay in a graded wash to the undersides of the leaves. STAGE 9 Paint the sepals with graded washes of sap green to leave highlights towards the light source at the top left.This completes the base image, and gives you a full-colour picture on which to work. STAGE 10 Make a mix of alizarin crimson and cadmium red, slightly stronger than the previous washes. Use this to paint the insides of the rose petals, paying particular attention to the light source to get the shading and highlighting correct. Use the same mix to lay in a second wash on the bud. STAGE 11 Mix rose doré and permanent magenta, and use this to paint the outsides of the rose petals. t t t t t t

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