Painters Online

Start Art 8 42 STAGE 1 Transfer the image to the paper, then place it on the board and secure it in place with masking tape. Use a size 5 round to glaze the individual petals of the rose head with clean water (above).Apply a wash of fairly dilute rose doré to the base of the inside of one of the petals. Blend the colour out with clean water towards the tip (right) to leave the highlights.This is called a graded wash. Repeat on one of the non-adjacent petals. STAGE 2 Repeat on the insides of the remaining petals.When you are working, be careful to work on non- adjacent petals to avoid the areas of wet paint running into damp paint, which will cause backruns. STAGE 3 Glaze the bud with clean water, and add a graded wash of rose doré in the same way as for the flower head. STAGE 4 Make a dilute well of sap green and Winsor yellow. Glaze the stems with clean water, then apply the mix to a section of the stem in a graded wash, starting on the right-hand side and grading it out to the left with clean water.This leaves highlights as shown. STAGE 5 Working in sections, apply the mix to the remaining areas of the stem. t t t t t

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