Painters Online

Start Art 8 32 STAGE 9 Once all the people are in place load the brush fully with the darkest colour and paint in the jetty.This shape needs to be nice and wet all over then, without cleaning the brush out, dip the tip into raw sienna and touch the wet paint at the bottom of the jetty.This will form a brown colour.Allow the paint to mix naturally and avoid poking it about. Using the same deep colour begin to paint the reflection of the jetty in the water, using tiny horizontal strokes.Allow a couple of brushstrokes to touch the jetty so that you avoid leaving a light line under the shape of the jetty STAGE 8 Adding figues to a painting can seem daunting, but they will bring the whole scene to life. Use just the point of a well-loaded brush and carefully fill in the tiny shapes. It looks more convincing if some of the figures touch each other. Make sure the legs come below the level of the jetty. STAGE 7 Paint in the tiny birds and leave this to dry. Everything you have painted is further away than the jetty with the figures on it, so the next colour you mix will need to be darker still.This means using more pigment and more raw sienna. If you add too much raw sienna however, your colour will turn brown, so ensure you use more of your bluebell/purple colour. t t t

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