Painters Online

Start Art 8 31 RT START STAGE 4 Using tiny narrow strokes, suggest movement in the water on the right-hand side of the painting. Use just the tip of the brush to create a thin line and press the brush slightly to widen the line; press the brush a little more to widen the line again, and lift the brush to narrow the line again.This is how to create a brushstroke. Leave this to dry STAGE 6 Paint the distant boats, adding a couple of tiny narrow lines to represent the reflections under the boats. If you feel that your brush does not come to a fine enough point, or you perhaps find it tricky to use a large brush, use a smaller one for these finer details. STAGE 5 The entire area of water under the jetty needs to be darker. Use plenty of paint and sweep it towards the right-hand side.As you run out of paint a textured effect will be created.This is called the ‘dry brush’ technique and it will give the appearance of water in the shallows. Continue to add strokes until you feel it is similar to mine. If you let the brushstrokes touch while they are wet, they will run into each other, so to avoid this leave gaps between them. It is easier to work from the lightest colours to the darker ones, as the dark colours will cover the lighter ones, but not vice versa Once you have covered a section with paint, wait until it is completely dry before you add another layer on top of it To mix a slightly darker colour add some raw sienna to the bluebell/purple colour, using plenty of pigment in the water to give a rich dark colour. t t t t

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