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Start Art 8 33 RT START STAGE 10 Using the same deep colour, paint in the beach area and use the same technique to drop in some raw sienna into the mix. If you drag the brush across the paper leaving a few speckles unpainted, this will look like pebbles in the foreground.This is the same drybrush technique that we used in the shallows of the water, but the colour is much darker. Leave this to dry thoroughly.This is very important, as the final stage is to remove the masking fluid. If the paper is slightly damp, you may scuff some paint as you rub it off, so patience is very important. FINISHED PAINTING Once you are sure the painting is dry, use your finger to rub off the masking fluid.This will reveal the pure white of the paper again, creating the sparkle on the water. I hope you enjoyed painting this project.To see more of my paintings, or paint more projects with me visit t t

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