Painters Online

Start Art 8 30 STAGE 3 Mix a dilute bluebell/purple colour and begin to paint the distant headland, painting straight over the figures. If you run out of paint, it is much easier to mix a little more, diluting it with water, than if you are mixing two colours together.You will quickly begin to gauge how much paint you need to cover an area of paper. STAGE 2 If you are unsure, add a little water to the colour, as this will make it paler. You need to take into consideration that the colour will not be going straight onto white paper but over the first wash on the paper. Always mix more paint than you think you will need; if you run out it is often tricky to mix exactly the colour you need again If you begin to paint this section and feel it is either too light or too dark, quickly blot it off using kitchen roll, wait for the section to dry, and have another go Watercolour always dries a little lighter so avoid making your colours too pale t

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