Painters Online

Start Art 8 39 RT START FINISHED PAINTING Using the half rigger and the shadow colour, paint the shade across the road.This helps to link one side of the painting to the other. Paint the grasses on the verge by flicking upward with the fan stippler. STAGE 1 Careful drawing of the tree trunk and branches is required here. Wet the sky area with clean water using the large detail brush down to the base of the background trees. Using the same brush and ultramarine, paint the sky onto the still wet surface, paint over the trees so that the blue sky is visible through the branches. Whilst this is still wet, use the fan stippler and begin with a light wash of cobalt in the centre of the picture, then add a little shadow colour to the cobalt and using downward strokes, brush the colour to the base of the trees. Drop in a little raw sienna onto the wet mix. Finally, paint a light wash of raw sienna on the road and leave to dry. STAGE 2 Begin by using the foliage brush and a mix of cadmium yellow and a touch of cadmium red, and add more red to create varying shades of orange. Use raw sienna and burnt sienna with a touch of shadow colour to paint the roadside grasses, allowing the colours to merge, wet into wet. Using the medium detail brush, and the shadow colour, paint the cart tracks on the road. AUTUMN There is a dramatic change from the lush greens of summer to the lively rich golds and russet reds of autumn. t t t

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