Painters Online

Start Art 8 37 RT START STAGE 2 Paint the two trees on the right first, using dilute midnight green and the medium detail brush. Start at the base of the tree and paint the tree trunk and main branches in the direction in which they grow. Use the half rigger brush to add the thinner branches and twigs. Next, using the same technique, paint the two trees on the left. Begin by using a light mix of country olive and raw sienna for the trunks, then a darker mix of country olive and burnt umber for the shady side of the trunk and some of the main branches. Use the medium detail brush to paint the gate and fence using the same colours as the trees. For the road, use a light wash of raw sienna with shadow added for the cart tracks, whilst the raw sienna is still wet.Add bluebell to the grass verge for a true touch of spring. Paint the grass by the side of the road in a light wash of sunlit green and country olive. STAGE 3 Don’t be afraid of using bright colours. Remember, this is springtime and the colours should be bright. Using the fan stippler and sunlit green, lightly stipple the fresh new foliage over the trees and branches.Avoid overloading your brush, as this will result in the texture filling in and will create an unwanted flat wash. Use the same colours to stipple some grass along the roadside. Leave to dry. FINISHED PAINTING Using the foliage brush and a mix of sunlit green and country olive, stipple the shady side of the trees. Avoid over-working this, as it will fill in all the gaps. Paint the grasses on the roadside by flicking the fan stippler upwards, using country olive. Finish by adding some shadows under the tree trunks using the medium detail brush and the shadow colour. Detail t t t

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