Spec Finish
30 www.thefis.org FIS member, Burland Technology, has supplied its Hyperion lighting to FIS for its office refurbishment. Hyperion anti-viral lighting significantly reduces the opportunities for pathogens to spread amongst office staff. These LED ceiling light systems harness innovative technology using titanium dioxide (TiO2) to clean the air of microbes, toxins and odours, and help reduce the spread of bacteria and viruses, including COVID-19. They can be simply installed as a replacement for existing light units. TiO2 acts as a photocatalyst to generate an area of photocatalytic oxidation to inactivate pathogens, it has been widely used in many environmental and energy applications due to its efficient photoactivity, high stability, low cost and safety to humans and the environment. The technology has been around for a while and is at the forefront of the fight against MRSA in hospitals. Burland Technology Solutions is bringing this technology to LED lighting, which provides energy efficient, low cost lighting and, most importantly, effective defence against airborne pathogens. Burland Technology, established in 1993, has been leading the way in developing new ways of providing electrical services to offices, schools, hospitals, data centres and the retail market. www.burland.com/products/ viral-screens/hyperion-anti-viral- lighting-solutions) Anti-viral lighting PRODUCTS • Fixings • Interiors • Insulation • M&E containment • General building supplies C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Etag UK Portrait 58 x 85mm_ Specfinish.pdf 1 21/07/2021 19:10 Etag.indd 1 26/07/2021 09:10 Hyperion uses light on the visible spectrum to excite the photocatalyst (TiO2) and generate photocatalytic oxidation oxidising pathogens that come into range. By using light on the visible spectrum this process is created safely by replacing existing LED lights
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