Spec Finish
F IS has raised concerns with officials fromThe Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) that drylining has not been included as an eligible occupation for the skilled worker route in the outline plans for a UK points- based immigration system post Brexit. A new points-based immigration system applied to EU and non-EU citizens will require those that want to work in the UK meet a specific set of requirements. In addition to passing the relevant UK criminality checks, the job must have a salary of at least £20,480, and 50 points will be ‘earned’ by meeting the following mandatory criteria: 1. The applicant must have an offer of a job from a licensed sponsor. 2. The job must be at or above the minimum skill level: RQF3 level or equivalent (A level or equivalent qualification). Workers will not need to hold a formal qualification; it is the skill level of the job they will be doing which is important. 3. The applicant must speak English to an acceptable standard. An additional 20 points can be gained through a combination of a higher salary, a job being on the shortage occupation list, and/or the holding of additional qualifications. There are approximately 45,000 CSCS card-holding dryliners (this does not include overlapping trades that undertake drylining work, but carry an alternative card). In January, FIS members reported 42% of their workforce was made up of immigrant labour. Although English training providers are preparing to deliver training for the latest Apprenticeship Standard in drylining, the numbers will not provide the level of the existing labour pool for at least two years. However, this will ensure future, home-grown, dryliners are competent. Despite the number of dry liners now exceeding many of the more traditional trades, it has historically been lost in “Construction Operatives Not Elsewhere Classified (8149)” within the Office of National Statistics (ONS) Sector Occupational Classification (SOC) Codes. The codes are used to collect and provide statistical data on occupations. This latest report on the UK points-based immigration system has been based on the Office of National Statistics (ONS) 2010 Sector Occupational Classification (SOC) Codes. In 2020 these were revised and, because of the close link between drylining and plastering, it is now officially listed under 5321 “Plasterers” (which is classified as an eligible occupation for the SkilledWorker Route). Many companies will offer both options for finishing and elements of drylining finishing are currently included within the plastering apprenticeship standard. FIS CEO Iain McIlwee said some positive movement had taken place based on the research FIS supported on shortage occupations (published last year) and FIS had participated in several meetings and round table events with various Government Departments. “At this stage I remain convinced that this is an oversight and as plans evolve into policy, we can make the necessary adjustments,” he said. “ We continue to work with BuildUK, The Department of Building Energy and Industrial Strategy, CITB and colleagues at the Home Office and Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) to this end.” As around 60% of the sector’s workforce is labour-only subcontractors, FIS will also address concerns that the system does not rely on impractical employment expectations. “One thing we must reinforce is that drylining is a skilled trade intrinsic to modern construction,” said Iain. “ FIS exists to help raise standards in the construction sector and continue to dedicate resources through schemes like BuildBack to promote and encourage ‘home grown talent’ and ensure that all working in the UK, whether immigrant of domestic workers, are competent to complete their work and that their skills and knowledge of the materials, environment and processes are kept current.” NEWS FOCUS FIND OUTMORE You can view the outline plans for a UK Points Based Immigration System. If you have any comments, please email georgeswann@thefis.org i IMMIGRATION SYSTEM POSES ELIGIBILITY QUERY 30 www.thefis.org
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