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FOCUS FEATURE “Rigorous cleaning can, if not carried out correctly, wear down the protective layers over time.” www.thefis.org 27 Coatings that contain silver ion are especially able to overcome these issues as the particles form a film over the surface, which cannot be gradually removed through wiping. The Silver also attacks the reproductive functions of microbes and bacteria and is effective against nearly 150 different strains. In high-traffic public buildings, such as hospitals, care facilities and educational establishments, trips and falls are common. These can be prevented with anti-slip floor coatings. They are heavily textured products that usually contain an anti-slip aggregate which disperses when applied for maximum grip. Improve indoor air quality As mentioned, over the years we’ve come to spend a staggering proportion of our time inside, yet indoor air can actually be up to 10 times more polluted than the air outside. As many of you may already be aware, this is because of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), potentially harmful chemicals that are present in all buildings in varying concentrations. One such VOC is formaldehyde, which is emitted from everyday materials such as carpet, furniture, glue and indoor fabrics. When levels are high, it has the potential to cause headaches, tiredness and irritation of the nose, throat and eyes. To improve indoor air quality, it’s important to allow for plenty of ventilation and use low-VOC materials where possible. For the cases where added protection is needed – such as in new developments where VOC levels can be at their highest – there are air purifying coatings are available. Create calming environments Steering away from technology, there is a lot to be said for colour itself when it comes to boosting wellbeing. In particular, buildings that incorporate biophilic design continue to be endorsed for their ability to improve the mental state of those living or working in them. As 68% of us are expected to live in urban spaces by 2050, we are increasingly distancing ourselves from nature and in doing so distancing ourselves from its benefits. Biophilic design aims to rebalance our psychological need to be connected to nature by bringing the outdoors in. Where it isn’t possible to have plants or lots of natural light, coatings can be used to emulate nature through the use of earthy, mineral or neutral tones, while natural materials and decorations can mimic natural forms and stimulate this sensory and emotional connection. Prevent confusion in those living with dementia Another environment where colour choice is paramount is in dementia care facilities. Symptoms of dementia include forms of aggression, anxiety and confusion, as well as vision-related conditions such as depth perception. Some colour schemes are actually proven to help those dealing with dementia to live a more independent and happier life. For example, it’s important that similar hues and irregular patterns are avoided. Instead, designers are advised to use simplistic designs with a strong colour contrast to help the individual better understand the shape and size of a room. Theremust be a Light ReflectanceValue of at least 30 points between the various shades for a large enough differentiation. Colour can also be used to aid direction through helpful routes, or to disguise potentially dangerous areas by blending them into the surrounding walls. As urbanisation continues apace, the way we interact with indoor spaces is becoming ever more important. Therefore, it’s the responsibility of designers and architects to understand the solutions that can help create healthier spaces for all occupants. Coatings, rather than being seen as ‘a lick of paint’ towards the end of a project, need to be considered from the initial planning stages and given the same importance as other infrastructure materials. When specified correctly, coatings truly have the power to enhance the performance of a building – and its occupants. “It’s the responsibility of designers and architects to understand the solutions that can help create healthier spaces for all occupants.”
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