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Health and Safety 24 www.thefis.org M usculoskeletal problems, such as back pain or shoulder pain, are the most common causes for people in construction to be off work or giving up work prematurely. The industry has a higher rate of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) problems than any other industry and most result from poor handling practices and lack of knowledge about the issues they can cause. Professor Anthony Woolf of the Bone and Joint Research Group, Royal Cornwall Hospital, has long been involved in projects related to raising awareness of the impact of musculoskeletal conditions and priority for education, prevention, treatment and research TACKLING MUSCULO SKELETAL DISORDER MSD AT THE SOURCE New advisory group looks at how we can turn the tide on a poor practices that lead to musculoskeletal problems. at a national, European and global level. He said all too many injuries happen in the workplace and while some are down to one-off events or accidents, after which the body gradually heals, longer term problems can be caused by repeated injuries or doing everyday tasks in a harmful way. “Repeated or awkward handling of heavy items causes the greatest risk,” he said. FIS was recently approached by the Health in Construction Leadership Council (HCLG) which is made up of contractors, clients, the Health and Safety Executive, professional bodies, trade associations and trade unions to stimulate and unify an approach to implement best practice to protect people in construction “Reducing MSD should start at the planning stage, not when the lorry arrives.” Joe Cilla
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