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MOVERS & SHAKERS www.thefis.org 17 OPERATIONS AND COMMERCIAL MANAGERSAPPOINTED Cavity fire barriers and closer manufacturer, ARC Building Solutions Ltd, has promoted long-standing staff members Clair Richardson and George Danzey-Smith as its new Operations Manager and Commercial Manager. Clair will take overall responsibility for the daily operations within ARC’s manufacturing facility, leading the existing production team managers and team leaders to deliver ARC’s future strategy. Having worked for the business for more than 10 years, Clair brings extensive experience in managing health and safety, quality and environmental control. George will take charge of the marketing of products and services, managing customer and supplier agreements, as well as new product development, testing and certification. He will also oversee internal sales and the customer service department. He has been involved with Leeds-based ARC since its inception. Clair and George will sit alongside Neil Weeks, Managing Director, Tanya Traill, HR & Training Manager and Aaron Sharp, Technical Sales Manager, to form ARC’s Senior Management Team. www.arcbuildingsolutions.co.uk Encon enhances fire protection expertise Encon Insulation and Nevill Long have welcomed Neville White into the business in the newly-created role of Business Development Manager – Fire Protection, with the aim to build and grow the team’s knowledge and expertise in the supply of fire protection products across all sectors. Neville began his career working for the manufacturer Cape Boards in 1980 as a trainee. He progressed into a number of different job roles including Customer Services Manager, ASM, Regional Manager, National Projects Manager and Marine Manager. In 2002 Cape Boards was purchased by Promat where he continued his roles in Regional and National Sales Manager positions. In 2016 Promat was amalgamated into the Etex Group and Neville helped the transition as the Business Development Director – Promat, before leaving at the beginning of 2019. Prior to joining Encon, he worked at Fire Protection Ltd on the development of their fire rated ducting systems. www.nevilllong.co.uk Entrepreneur Of The Year finalist Errigal ManagingDirector, CormacMcCloskey, has been selected as a finalist for the prestigious EYEntrepreneur OfTheYear Ireland2020 awards. The 24 finalists were selected from more than 100 nominations by an independent judging panel and will compete across three categories: Emerging, Industry and International with one overall winner selected as the EY Entrepreneur of the year for 2020 in November. www.errigalcontracts.com Neville White
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