Spec Finish

FRAME CHANGER. X-TENDA TM 3600 IS A GAME CHANGER IN OFFSITE FRAME MANUFACTURING. To find out more, visit Howickltd.com You can always count on Howick steel framing to be 100% straight, job after job. Unfortunately, the same cannot always be said for the spaces it is installed into. Framing uneven spaces means spending extra time trimming and fitting framing on site. The good news is times have changed. The Howick X-TENDA™ 3600 is a new roll-forming system that creates lightweight, sliding telescopic components that make short work of framing, retrofitting or infilling interior walls and ceilings. Design the panels in the software of your choice and the X-TENDA™ 3600 manufactures all of the components, ready to snap together and carry on site. Then, it is simply a matter of extending the panels for a precise fit in even the most challenging spaces. Doors and windows remain square, while cutting and wastage are eliminated completely. X-TENDA™ 3600 is a game changer for framing professionals, cutting installation times by 50%.

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