Spec Finish
6 www.thefis.org FIS is pleased to announce that Philip Brown has been elected as Vice President of its executive board. A member of the FIS board of directors for six years, Philip has more than 45 years’ experience in the construction industry. He started out as an electrical apprentice before going on to project manage numerous interior works, gaining in-depth knowledge and experience within the industry before joining Meronden Ltd in 1997 as director. Philip said: “I am looking to build upon the good work that the board has achieved. I am also keen to increase the profile of the association within the industry, ensuring that it is associated with quality, commitment and prestige. “As we work in a specialist industry, I believe that by working in association with one another we are able to share information, ideas, trends and best practice which will enable each member to succeed in today’s challenging and ever-changing market.” FIS CEO Iain McIlwee said: “Philip has already made a huge contribution as a board member and has been instrumental in the development of a number of key projects. Add this to his exceptional track record across the finishes and interiors sector, and we have the ideal Vice President. Philip will play a crucial role in taking FIS onto its next chapter of growth and success.” Drug and alcohol screening Potential economic impacts of thewar inUkraine NEWS Employers have a legal duty to protect employees’ health, safety and welfare and understanding the signs of drug and alcohol misuse (or abuse) helps them to manage health and safety risk in the workplace, develop a policy to deal with drug and alcohol-related problems and support employees. Weber, part of the Saint-Gobain group, is now using the fingerprint drug testing system from Intelligent Fingerprinting, which uses sweat from fingerprints to screen for recent use of cocaine, methamphetamine, cannabis and opiates. Craig Jones, HR Business Partner at Weber, said: “At Weber, we care about our colleagues and the environment in which they work. We wanted to introduce drug testing but there was a reluctance to roll-out traditional urine tests because they are invasive, sometimes embarrassing for the person being tested as well as for the company representative having to supervise and process the test. We looked for something better and found Intelligent Fingerprinting’s test, which is easy to use for both the HR team and for the employees being tested. “Each test only takes around 10 minutes – from the sample being taken to on-site results. It is convenient and Covid-safe and, with simple virtual training, existing employees can be up and running with the system very quickly, using it for random, for cause or post-incident drug screening.” www.uk.weber There are considerable uncertainties regarding the economic impacts of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as well as the effects of tightening sanctions on Russia. While demand in the UK economy and construction currently remains strong, strengthening supply chain constraints and higher inflation will inevitably hit growth. The extent to which this occurs will be dependent on the extent of the conflict and markets’ uncertainty surrounding its impacts, the duration of the conflict and the length of time at which energy costs remain at post-financial crisis peak levels. This guidance note from the Construction Products Association looks at the potential ramifications on the construction supply chain www.thefis. org/2022/03/18/potential-economic- impacts-of-the-ukraine-invasion Philip Brown steps up to Vice President at FIS Philip Brown, FIS Vice President Keeping in touch Your supportmakes a life-changingdifference topeople in crisis.Wewrite to our supporters to update you about thework of theBritishRedCross, and how you can help anddonate inotherways.You can change thewaywe contact you at any timeby visiting redcross.org.uk/keepingintouch or calling Freephone 0800 2800 491. Privacystatement TheBritishRedCross iscommitted toprivacyandwillusepersonaldata for thepurpose itwascollectedoro ther legitimatepurposeswe tell youabout: forexample, to providegoods, servicesor information youhave requestedor toadministerdonationsor servicesweprovide.Wemayalsoanalysedatawecollect tobetterunderstand thepeoplewho support usor thosewhouseordeliverour services.Sometimes thismeansuscombining thatdatawith information from reliablepublic sources.Our researchallowsus to tailorcommunicationsand services inamore focusedandcost-effectiveway,aswellasbettermeeting yourneedsand theneedsofothers like you.However,wewillneverdo this inaway that intrudesonpersonal privacyandwillnotuse yourdata forapurpose thatconflictswithpreviouslyexpressedprivacypreferences.For fulldetailsabouthowweusepersonaldata,our legalbasis fordoing soand your privacy rights,please seeourprivacynoticeonlineat redcross.org.uk/privacy. TheUkraineCrisisAppealwillsupportpeople inar eascurrentlyaffectedan d thosepotentiallyaffected in the futureby thecrisis. In theevent thatwe raisemoremoney thancanbe reasonablyandefficientlyspent,anysurplus fundswillbeused tohelpusprepare forand respond tootherhumanitariandisastersanywhere in theworld.Formore information visit https://donate.redcross.org.uk/appeal/disaster-fund *Textscost£10+1 standardmessage (we receive100% ).For fullT&Cs visit redcross.org.uk/mobile ,mustbe16+. TheBritishRedCrossSo ciety, incorporatedbyRoyalCharter1908, isacharity registered in EnglandandWales (220949),Scotland (SC037738), IsleofMan (0752)andJersey (430). We need your help Photo©ArieKievit /TheNetherlandsRedCross Please give to our Ukraine Crisis Appeal today. By texting, you consent to future telephone and SMS marketing contact from British Red Cross. Text SHELTER NO to 70141 to give £10 without consenting to calls and texts.* Visit redcross.org.uk/shelter or text SHELTER to 70141 to make a £10 donation. Millions of people have no safe place to call home, because of ongoing violence in Ukraine. Families are trapped underground; hundreds of thousands of people still have no food, no water, no medical care, and no heat or electricity. Your donation means we can keep getting critical help to those who urgently need it, in Ukraine and its bordering countries.
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