Spec Finish

WELCOME Nicky Rogers Editor 4 www.thefis.org CONTACT US EDITORIAL Editor: Nicky Rogers Email: nickyr@warnersgroup.co.uk SpecFinish Warners Group Publications West Street Bourne Lincs PE10 9PH ADVERTISING Advertising enquiries: Theresa Geeson Email: theresag@warnersgroup.co.uk SUBSCRIPTIONS SpecFinish is distributed to members of FIS and other selected finishes and interiors businesses. If you wish to receive a copy of SpecFinish or would like to amend or cancel your subscription, please contact either info@thefis.org or telephone 0121 707 0077. FIS Tel: 0121 707 0077 www.thefis.org Email: info@thefis.org FIS, Unit 4, Olton Bridge 245Warwick Rd Solihull, West Midlands B92 7AH SpecFinish magazine is published on behalf of FIS by Warners Group Publications plc and the views expressed in this journal are not necessarily those held by FIS or the publishers. The publishers shall not be under any liability in respect of the contents of the contributed articles. The editor reserves the right to edit, abridge or alter articles for publication. © All editorial contents SpecFinish 2022 Welcome SPEC FINISH W ANT to talk about Covid? No? Well, that’s good because we need to concentrate on some other pressing concerns for our sector now, like the materials shortages. The horrendous situation in Ukraine has put pressure on energy and fuel prices for everyone and, for FIS members, it is causing further pressure on the supply chain, particularly in plasterboard, insulation and steel. This uncertainty makes it increasingly difficult for companies try to work out how to tackle these rapid and unexpected price increases as it already works to tight margins. In its briefing paper, Potential Economic Impacts of Ukraine Invasion , ( www.tinyurl.com/2r863s38 ) the Construction Products Association succinctly sets out the likely ramifications of the war on the UK construction industry and it is definitely worth reading and understanding; it acknowledges the uncertainties, but it is confident in its prediction that inflation will rise substantially, leading to tighter supply and increased costs throughout construction this year. To try and make sense of the situation and to allay some concerns, there is good advice in the FIS Statement on Inflation and Material Shortages (March 2022) here www.tinyurl.com/2whpyj8m so read them both together. I was going to mention the skills shortage next, (covered by Helen Tapper on page 8 of this issue) but I know where to draw the line. Instead, here’s some good news – FIS member, EE Smith Contracts, is now in its 125th year of trading with its largest ever order book. Managing Director, Neil Bottrill, said that the milestone was testament to the hard work and skill base throughout the company. “We are growing year-on-year and we currently have 40 apprentices, doubling last year’s apprentice joiner workforce. We hope they will rise through the ranks and be an asset to the company as we teach them the skills we have always relied on for EE Smith Contracts to prosper.” Here’s to the next 125 years! Please let me know about your projects and company news, not pure nosiness on my part, but we do like to feature members as much as we can. No project too small... nickyr@warnersgroup.co.uk www.thefis.org SpecFinish magazine wrapper Please recycle the wrapper this magazine was delivered in. It is recyclable plastic. Cover image The image on the coverwas supplied by Indeglås; it showswork in progress of theatriumat their project at the University of Glasgow.

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