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6 www.thefis.org Momentumbuildsonconstruction pipelinedatabase Since its launch in July 2021, Scotland’s public bodies and private sector construction businesses have welcomed the benefits delivered from the Construction Pipeline Forecast Tool. The pipeline has been refreshed and contains an expanded list of projects, with a value of £11bn, and the number of registered website users exceeds 600. Managed by infrastructure body the Scottish Futures Trust, the Construction Pipeline Forecast Tool was one of the actions coming out of the Scottish Construction Leadership Forum’s Recovery Plan, published in October 2020. By registering on the website, private sector businesses now have access to specific details of over 1,500 future infrastructure projects that have been submitted by 45 Scottish public bodies. By providing greater transparency on future construction workload, the pipeline aims to help businesses plan better and maintain their investment in skills and future training needs. For the public sector, the pipeline encourages greater collaboration between public sector organisations through a greater understanding of their respective investment pipelines. Peter Reekie, Chief Executive of the Scottish Futures Trust and Chair of the Executive Group of the Scottish Construction Leadership Forum said: “The work of the Scottish Futures Trust (SFT) in ensuring the Construction Pipeline Forecast Tool provides the construction sector with vital information to help themmanage their businesses effectively and plan for future work.” https://pipeline.scottishfuturestrust.org.uk/ Tony Occleshaw and Tony Harris started OCL together in 2003 and after 18 years of building and developing the business, Tony Occleshaw retired in December 2021. His departure leaves the company wholly operated by the Harris family. James Harris now assumes the role of Managing Director, whilst the remaining co-founder, Tony Harris, takes the role of CEO. “Everyone at OCL appreciates the huge contribution that Tony Occleshaw has put into making OCL the renowned and respected company it is today,” says CEO Tony Harris, “we all wish him a long and happy retirement.” The company continually endeavours to seek innovative methods, materials and techniques to further develop, improve and evolve their business, from their new head office in Basildon, Essex. www.oclfacades.com BuildUK appoints newChair NEWS HSEspot checks to look for work-relatedstress As part HSE’s ongoingWorking Minds campaign, spot checks will be conducted to inspect how employers are recognising work- related stress – to help support and sustain good mental health in the workplace. To help you support employees with stress and stay on the right side of the law, the Health & Safety experts of FIS Associate Member, Citation, have put together an exclusive guide on stress risk assessments – including how to recognise the signs of stress and assess the risks involved. Download the guide here: https://tinyurl.com/fis22stress Construction unions launch 10% pay rise claim for site workers Construction unions have submitted a claim to increase site wages by 10% under the industry’s main pay agreement. The claim under the Construction Industry Joint Council (CIJC) agreement will set minimum wages for more than 500,000 workers primarily in civil engineering and the ‘biblical’ trades. The unions want to see a uniform pay increase which will see all workers covered by the agreement, from craft workers to labourers, see their pay rise by the same percentage. Pay negotiations will be held throughout the spring with new rates due to come in force at the end of June. Unite National Officer for Construction, Jerry Swain, said: “For this industry to succeed and attract new entrants then pay rates must reflect workers’ skills and living costs. “Unless radical changes are made to the CIJC agreement it will become increasingly irrelevant in the industry. The first step is to agree meaningful pay rates.” Paul Cossell, Vice Chair of ISG, is the new Chair of Build UK. Paul has served as a Director on the Board since September 2020 and replaces Andy Steele, who stepped down in November 2021. Commenting on his appointment, Paul said: “It is a privilege to be the new Chair of Build UK. I believe passionately in the value of a powerful voice representing our industry at the highest levels. Throughout the pandemic, as we tackle the multi–generational challenge of building greener, better and faster and the associated need to attract the brightest and best talent into our industry, Build UK has proved to be a dynamic force for transformational change.” OCL Group now fully owned and managed by the Harris family Peter Reekie Abeginners guide to stress risk assessments
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