Spec Finish
Materials there being plentiful landed stocks available to meet immediate demand. Suppliers were also used to having time over traditionally quiet periods in the trade to re-build stocks for the following season. This situation has now been turned on its head. It is understandable that many customers should be surprised by, and angry about, the new reality we are facing together. The reported price inflation has also made it difficult for some manufacturers to accurately price projects for customers. “We would like to reassure the wider sector that volume supplies are available, though on much longer lead times than we have all been used to. This situation will be with us well into this year so we advise contacting your suppliers to discuss meeting your needs for the year ahead. The challenge now will be to achieve the balanced product mix needed by the market, a factor which may be further complicated by the haulage demands and new customs and plant health procedures engendered by Brexit.” The TTF The TTF is the voice of the UK timber industry and its members constitute timber importers, merchants, agents and manufacturers, all operating under TTF’s Responsible Purchasing Policy due diligence system. www.ttf.co.uk Product SPIT’S NEWPULSA 40P+ CORDLESS GAS NAILER D elivering 3,500 shots per charge, SPIT’s new Pulsa 40P+ cordless gas nailer offers value for money and time savings on drywall first fix applications. It comes with a three-year warranty as standard, offers up to 16% more power with gas technology and an excellent stick rate in the hardest materials. It is up to 15% lighter than battery alternatives, with a streamlined and ergonomic design for maximumusability. Keeping down time to a minimum, it can also receive quick onsitemaintenance so contractors can have confidence that the Pulsa 40P+ will provide themwith the productivity, reliability and durability they need. www.itwcp.co.uk/en/product-focus/pulsa-40p www.thefis.org 25
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