Spec Finish
Health & Safety 22 www.thefis.org Find out more at www.thefis.org #InThisTogether #RebuildingTogether #COVID19 MASK FOR TASK: COVER FOR COVID Don’t waste PPE if you only need to cover for COVID If the task demands it = wear the appropriate mask/respirator For moving around site and protecting each other = wear a face covering of suitable material Don’t just wear it, take care of it! Wash your hands thoroughly before you touch your mask. When putting on or taking off, only touch the loops or ties. When not in use, store securely in a sealable bag. DON’T wear it under your nose or mouth DON’T touch or adjust it without cleaning your hands DON’T wear it on your head or around your arm Wear your mask, respirator or face covering like this: DON’T wear it under your chin or around your neck
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