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8 www.thefis.org The Workspace Design Show (WDS), the UK’s only exhibition focused purely on workspace design, was held at the Business Design Centre in Islington last November, where FIS Technical Director, Joe Cilia, chaired a panel discussion with Ana Rita Martins, Senior Associate, Sustainability & Design at Woodalls Design, Yorgo Lykouria, Creative Director and founder of Rainlight, and David O’Coimin, Director at Nookpod. The discussion looked at the way in which product design has been influenced by changes in the way people work and the need to design products and spaces where sustainability is practiced. Supported by FIS, the next WDS is planned for 27 and 28 February 2023 and will be held at the Business Design Centre in London. Register to attend here https://workspaceshow.co.uk/register- to-attend True collaborative working onSheffield HallamUniversity’s city campus NEWS What goesonbehind thesitehoardings ‘Open Doors’ is an initiative delivered by Build UK for young people that goes behind the site hoardings to showcase the fantastic range of careers available to them in construction. The 2021 event was held fromMonday 4 until Saturday 9 October and offered site visits across the UK as well and live virtual experiences, such as ‘meet the apprentice’. Facilitated by FIS, Philippa Shaw, Careers Leader at John F. Kennedy Catholic School in Hemel Hempstead, took a group of year nine and11pupils toMillfieldGreen, a £32mnet zero retirement village of 80 apartments and other facilities in rural Bedfordshire.The visit was hosted by Luke Chambers, SiteManager fromWillmott Dixon showed the pupils round the site, giving themthe rare opportunity to see and hear about themany processes and jobs involved.Theywere particularly impressedwith the detail of theCADmodelling and the level of planning needed tomake efficient use of manpower and resources. www.builduk.org Etag Fixings celebrates 10 years From small beginnings in Bermondsey, London, FIS member, Etag Fixings UK Ltd, has now been supplying and distributing materials to the UK construction industry for a decade and last October, the celebrations began. www.etagfixings.co.uk Construction is due to begin in early 2022 and the campus plans have been developed alongside a number of key partners as part of the collaborative ‘HallamAlliance’.Thefirst of its kind in theUK for a university building programme, theAlliance involves all design, construction and facilitiesmanagement partnersworking collaborativelywith the client through all stages of design, construction and operation.TheAlliancewill use theNEC4 Alliance Contract specifically developed in 2018 to create a ‘true’ alliance arrangement inwhich the client and all keymembers of the supply chain, called ‘Partners’ in the alliance contract, are engaged under a single contract. All members of the alliance have an equal voice and share in the performance of the alliance aswhole as opposed to their own individual performance. Members of the Alliance include Sheffield HallamUniversity, BDP ARUP (Design), BAM (Construction) and CBRE (Facilities Management). www.tinyurl.com/mr346wxr FIS chairs panel discussion at new Workspace Design Show Joe’s panel discussion at WDS Etag celebrates
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