Spec Finish
www.thefis.org 21 AGM and conference There have been dark times, but we have made huge progress as it has forced us to embrace technology (like this conference) and I don’t think we will change back. 2021 is the year to grow relationships and grow our businesses together. Jonathan Cherry: This industry has always evolved but the speed of embracing technology has increased out of necessity. 2020 showed us just how agile this industry and the FIS can be. Collaboration is critical as is the way we look after employees to get the best out of them now that we have adapted to more flexible working. As an industry we are often undervalued in what we bring to a project and the FIS will be working on how we can better demonstrate the true value of our work to customers and this is an exciting opportunity for us all. Ann Bentley: As a consultant, I think change will be driven by clients and FIS members who build on lessons learned during the pandemic, rather that those who just want to go back to wherever they were before. Forward looking clients will be looking for the forward looking supply chain. Andrew Parkin: At the moment, sustainability is a ‘tick box’ event, but it should be built in – we are sending 300 tonnes of fit-out materials to landfill every day, but we have a responsibility to be zero-carbon in everything we do, so as consultants, we will work with clients, suppliers, products and contractors who share our values, we don’t have another option, it is our moral responsibility. We won’t go ‘back to normal’ we will forge a new normal. Wemust uphold the FIS values of sustainability, safety, quality and consistency, but where does design responsibility begin and end andwill this be an area of profound area over the next 12months? Ann Bentley: Undoubtedly it will be an area of profound change and professional indemnity insurance will change the industry as far as fire safety is concerned. If anybody now offers any sort of service whatsoever that is anything to do with fire safety, nomatter how vaguely, then the demands that the PI insurers are going to put on their clients’ businesses mean that everyonemust be crystal clear about what their liability is and who carries the top liability. This is the biggest thing in our industry after the pandemic and Brexit. Interpreting PI policies and their endorsements to establish their true meaning and where risks lie is becoming more challenging for contractors so FIS will focus on this in 2021, but for now, the FIS guides (ceiling fixings, penetration etc provide excellent advice). Closing conference, Iain asked the panel to discuss how the FIS should react now to support its members and bring about positive change for our supply chain. HelenTapper: FISwill concentrate on training and competence and will let members know how the Building Safety Bill, changes to PI and reverse chargeVATwill affect them, this will have a massive effect on cashflow and FIS is lobbying for a delay on this. Lydia Sharples: On the back of the Hackitt Report and the marketing integrity group formed from the CPA, FIS should continue to work to decipher and disseminate how manufacturers describe and market their products in a clear and concise way. SteveWatson: Top of the agenda should be sustainability and climate change issues throughout FIS membership and the supply chain and how we can all contribute. Ann Bentley: FIS needs to supply continuous support to members while they are working through this period of change. Continue to support in quality and competence, because competent businesses will thrive. Shaun Bonner : Keep promoting training and testing especially on new products, but do it early so work doesn’t have to be pulled down and rectified. Andrew Parkin: Any support that FIS can give its members with insurance would be gratefully received – the challenge for members is to find the right insurance to stop risk filtering down to contractors. Jim Nania: FIS should interpret how new legislation for contractors around statutory requirements around competence and ownership. FIS needs to lead in innovation, and sustainability, helping members to be in the top tier of contractors. Jonathan Cherry : FIS has a unique position to bring industry experts together and can use this to disseminate knowledge to members and smaller organisations and provide answers to almost anything. In his closing remarks Iain McIlwee said: “Change is rooted in culture and culture can change. Change is inevitable and in reacting to that, Helen Tapper wrote in an article recently that ‘when we communicate, we improve, but when we collaborate, we transform.’ “We will take that quote forward from this event and work hard to support our members in whatever ways we can.” Watch again Watch the conference here: www.thefis.org/webinar-recordings i FIS would like to thank the following sponsors for their valued and continued support: Headline sponsor: Etag Sponsors: CCF FIS Acoustic Verification Scheme Forza Doors Muffle SIG
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