Spec Finish
FIS is delighted to announce that 16 new product ranges have been verified through the FIS Acoustic Verification Scheme. The Scheme was established in 2019 to introduce standard methodology and support honest and consistent declaration of acoustic performance, encouraging best practice and preventing inaccurate or misleading information from undermining the market and responsible manufacturers in the partitions and operable wall sector. On achieving accreditation for their partitions, Director of iWall Ltd, Adrian Law, stated: “iWall is pleased to be part of the FIS Acoustic Verification Scheme as it creates a standard within the industry helping us to deliver what our customers expect from us. It gives our clients confidence that the product they select from our range has been thoroughly tested and the data produced is accurate”. Sales Manager, Alex Stewart at Acoustic Wall Systems Limited, (who have verified five operable wall systems through the scheme) commented: “The movable wall industry has long been tainted with false misleading data when it comes to acoustics, we therefore did not hesitate to participate in the FIS Acoustic Verification Scheme that champions integrity within the office fit-out industry. Acoustics is essential when considering a movable wall system, we are therefore proud to be part of the FIS verification scheme that provides a database that customers and specifiers can use with confidence’’. The FIS acoustic verification process The process for verification to the FIS Acoustic Verification Scheme Standard is as follows: • all data is supplied using an agreed FIS data sheet; • test report and certificate and covering information must be supplied in English and be translated by the original test house; • traceable evidence on the independence of the test facility must be supplied; • photographs of the test (if available) must be supplied; • drawings of the installation of the test sample must be supplied; • the independent verification will be carried out by Cundall Johnston and Partners LLP; and • all companies must be full members of the FIS. You can download our FIS Datasheet at: www.tinyurl.com/y2lbjdca Full details of the technical requirements are available in the FIS Acoustic Verification Scheme Manual, available on request via: info@thefis.org FIS Acoustic Verification Scheme introduces 16 new products NEWS WorldSkills Shanghai 2021 As a result of the ongoing global impact of COVID-19, the boards of WorldSkills and WorldSkills Shanghai 2021 have decided to postpone the event until 2022. Dr Neil Bentley-Gockmann OBE, Chief Executive, WorldSkills UK, said: “As we reset our sights on WorldSkills Shanghai for 2022, we are confident that Team UK will once again step up to demonstrate excellence in skills on the world stage and showcase the UK as a world-class place to invest, do business and create jobs.” 2020 spending review: National Infrastructure Strategy The Government has published its National Infrastructure Strategy after delays caused by Brexit, a general election and the pandemic. This document, subtitled ‘Fairer, faster, greener’, sets out Government policy on infrastructure and construction, including broadband, energy and transport, and on the carbon reduction aspirations summarised in the Prime Minister’s 10-point plan that he announced last November. The National Infrastructure Strategy is based around economic recovery; levelling up and strengthening the Union; and meeting the UK’s net zero emissions target by 2050. www.tinyurl.com/y5pnzrwm Fairer, faster, greener National Infrastructure Strategy VISION The framework isbasedon the thinkingbehind the FISProductProcessPeople framework forquality. It’sall in thebadge, look for theAcoustic VerificationScheme Logo toprovide reassurance. MISSION INTRODUCTION Acoustic Verification Scheme A levelplayingfield for thedeclaration and verificationofacousticperformance ofproductsused in thefinishesand interiors sectoragainsta commonly agreed third-party standard. To introduce standardmethodology to supporthonestand consistent declarationofacousticperformance, encouragingbestpracticeand preventing inaccurateormisleading information fromundermining the marketand responsiblemanufacturers. TheFISAcousticVerificationScheme hasbeen created toenablemembers to verify testsagainstanagreed criterion andamethodology topresent these to market ina consistentand transparent manner. FACT SHEET P RODUCT P ROCESS P EOPLE www.thefis.org 01217070077 @fisorg 10 www.thefis.org
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