Spec Finish
9 This project, involving a three-storey office in Mercia Park in Swadlincote, southDerbyshire, was completed for global logistics and transport company DSV. The scope of works for Shropshire firmBespoke Construction Services included internal partitions, demountable partitions, glazed partitions and acoustic oak wall panelling. The brief was tomeet a wide range of acoustic criteria, with partitioning systems in all office and meeting roomareas adjoining the atriumof the building. The sound absorption requirements were alsomet through the installation of double-glazed screens incorporating tech panels to accommodate small monitor screens. Layers of flexible 6mmplywood were used to soften around the edges, prior to acoustic oak panelling being installed on the stud and plasterboard partitions, in order tominimise sound transmission in the open-plan office area. COMPANY TURNOVER Over £5m CONTRACT DSVMercia, Derbyshire ARCHITECT UMCArchitects PARTITIONING Bespoke Construction Services bespokeconstruction.co.uk “The overall finish is of a high quality and provides an impressive visual finish while performing to the required acoustic specification,” said the judges. CONTRACTORS AWARDS2022 WINNER CATEGORY SPONSOR
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