Spec Finish
8 Essex-based iBuild worked on this new 8,500 sq ft innovation space, part of the University of Westminster’s Cavendish Street campus, which is dedicated to a range of science subjects. The project consisted of the installation of new drywall partitions, a fabric ceiling and wall system, metal wall panels with orange acoustic pads, and metal ceiling panels with diffuser and integrated LED lighting. COMPANY TURNOVER Under £5m CONTRACT Westminster University, London ARCHITECT Stride Treglown INTERIOR FIT OUT iBuild Interior Services ibuild-interiors.com CATEGORY SPONSOR The judges were left in little doubt about the qualities of this winning entry. “The finished high- quality interior is simply spectacular, creating a cacophony of colour, light, textures and shapes, all blending together to produce an extraordinary collaborative and productive space for the students and staff.” CONTRACTORS AWARDS2022 WINNER
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