Spec Finish

28 Houlton School is a new secondary school campus for 1,260 pupils created fromthe listed former Rugby Radio Station building, which in its 1950s heydaywas the largest radio-transmitting station in theworld. The design has minimised energy use through a thermal upgrade of the building and the addition of three teaching blocks. Drywall Contracts was involved in the restoration of the facades, tasked with preserving the industrial character of the main spaces while providing excellent school and community facilities. In line with the historic facades and solid brickwork walls, a wood fibre and lime plaster internal insulation systemwas specified, but without voids and moisture-open to avoid condensation damage to the listed fabric. Within this new lining, the new spaces were defined by a range of contemporary drywall partitions and ceilings. The lining installation was made complex by the brickwork walls’ complexity, historic steelwork, stringent fire and acoustic requirements, and the need to replicate and repair lime and cement render mouldings. CONTRACT Houlton School, Warwickshire ARCHITECT vanHeyningen andHaward PLASTERING – INTERNAL/EXTERNAL Drywall Contracts drywallcontracts.co.uk The judges were clearly impressed: “The finished installation showcases the high quality of Drywall Contracts’ work, with the precise and seamless integration of new plaster and other finishes into a historic old structure.” CONTRACTORS AWARDS2022 WINNER CATEGORY SPONSOR

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