Painters Online

Start Art 8 58 STAGE 2 The awkward stage Block in the fur of the kitten with diluted ivory black and a No. 3 filbert.Your brushstrokes should follow the fur’s direction and natural patterns. Even at this stage, the texture and depth of the fur is being created. Use diluted Prussian blue and a No. 3 filbert to wash in the background colour surrounding the kitten. Create a line across the page to represent a horizon line.This line separates the background from the foreground and creates the illusion of a floor. Fill in this area with a diluted mixture of ivory black and Prussian blue.With diluted burnt umber and a No. 2 round, fill in the inside of the ears. STAGE 1 Begin with the outlines Use a No. 2 round and diluted ivory black to capture the shape of the kitten. Outline the edges of the eyes and nose. Create a blue-grey by mixing titanium white with a touch of ivory black and a tiny bit of Prussian blue. Be careful, because Prussian blue is extremely potent; a tiny little bit will go a very long way. Use the No. 3/0 round to fill in the colour of the eyes with this mixture.Allow a small white area to remain for the catchlight. Fill in the little nose with a diluted mixture of ivory black and burnt umber, using the No. 3/0 round.

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