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Start Art 8 11 RT START Small, fine hairs grow upwards on the bridge of the nose and to the side along the cheeks; on the chin they grow forwards and downwards. With birds, the feathers lie flat on the head and are arranged in a semicircle from front to back. DEPICTING FUR AND FEATHERS When drawing an animal portrait, the fur or feathers on the face are the most important.The direction of hair growth or the arrangement of the feathers should be reproduced when drawing. Above the eye, fur grows upwards and to the side.This applies to dogs, cats and horses too.Around the nose, the hair flows to the outer edge of the head and from the midline upwards. On the chin of an animal, the hair grows forwards and downwards.With birds, the feathers generally lie flat on the top of the head in a semicircle arranged from the front to the back. The feathers are finest and softest on the face and belly, which is why soft transitions should be indicated here through shading. The texture of the fur is usually drawn with wavy, parallel lines, depending on the length. It is very important to work in some light reflections and draw Above the eye, the fur grows upwards and to the side. t t t

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