
Summer 2022 43 SRL has become the only mobile ITS (intelligent transport system) hire supplier to provide local authorities with a scalable traffic management software platform. The platform enables the growing number of customers already using it to manage their permanent systems, to integrate compatible mobile equipment within their networks while expanding and continually adapting the range of products, between which data may be shared. The UK and Republic of Ireland’s largest manufacturer and provider of mobile ITS equipment, SRL is traffic technology specialist SWARCO’s exclusive temporary and portable VMS (variable message sign) hire partner. Until now, its customers managed their VMS via SWARCO’s Zephyr sign management software. SRL is now moving to SWARCO’s newer Sign Manager solution, which enables urban traffic managers to integrate mobile signs within their permanent UTMC (urban traffic management and control) networks and so coordinate their entire fleet more efficiently. Sign Manager is part of SWARCO’s MyCity modular scalable urban mobility management software platform, which unites an array of different traffic management solutions. In the near future, SRL plans to expand its MyCity portfolio beyond Sign Manager, to include a broader range of mobile product categories in addition to VMS. This will allow customers to simultaneously address a range of traffic priorities such as congestion and air quality via the exchange of data between multiple ITS solutions. Via its adoption of MyCity, SRL has become the only rental supplier of portable and temporary ITS equipment to provide urban traffic managers with a scalable software platform that can be continually modified in response to demand and technological advance. A growing number of local authorities are already using MyCity to manage their permanent networks since its launch last year. Director of Business Development, Iain McDonald, said: “The introduction of Sign Manager will immediately give SRL customers such as local authorities, the ability to manage their entire mobile and permanent VMS network with greater efficiency. “In time, they will also benefit from the availability of a wider range of MyCity solutions relating to a broader spectrum of mobile ITS products, between which data may be shared. This will further improve the efficiency of their entire traffic management operations.” SWARCO’s Managing Director, John Pickworth, added: “SRL’s adoption of MyCity offers exciting new opportunities to the local authority hire market, which will now be able to efficiently tackle rapidly evolving urban mobilitychallenges.” << SCALABLE TRAFFICMANAGEMENT SOFTWARE LAUNCH TOMOBILE HIREMARKET

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