32 Summer 2021 D id you know the London Fire Brigade attends, on average, 24 fires each week that have been started by chargers, batteries, and cables? It’s frightening to think that a complete house or business can be destroyed, and lives put in danger becauses of unintentional misuse of phone or laptop chargers, or any other electrical item for that matter. Even if employees escape harm or injury, imagine the chaos to your business or home: • Smoke damage • Loss of information • Loss of fixtures, furniture, and fittings • Disruption to business • Costs involved to replace and repair, repaint, and rebuild. • The battle with the insurers and subsequent increase in premiums Quite simply we just don’t see the danger. One of the key culprits is the charger. There are various reasons how this can happen, but lithium-ion batteries can present a fire risk when over-charged, short circuited or if they are damaged – we must also charge them safely. TIPS FOR CHARGING YOUR DEVICES SAFELY • Always use the charger that came with your phone, tablet, e-cigarette or mobile device. If you need to, buy a replacement. • Avoid storing, using or charging batteries at very high or low temperatures. • Protect batteries against being damaged – that’s crushed, punctured or immersed in water. • Don’t leave items on charge after the charge cycle is complete – it’s best not to leave your phone plugged in overnight for example. How safe are you at home and at work? ELECTRICAL SAFETY
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