A VIEW FROM ON HIGH PAUL GAZE, CEO UPDATES ON THE LATEST AT HAE EHA Paul Gaze CEO Summer 2021 03 M oving from the toughest legal restrictions on personal freedom since WW2 towards something resembling pre-Covid conditions was never going to be straightforward or easy. Alongside the legislation and guidance sits our own personal attitudes and experiences which will condition individual responses at a time when adult vaccination levels are rapidly increasing, yet infection levels are also at a heightened level. For businesses, finding a safe and consistent approach in the workplace for visitors and customers is a significant challenge. Moving from an enforceable to a more permissive environment places greater onus on companies to work with employees and customers. HAE EHA is helping to share guidance and practical advice to help members to navigate this changing position. While the instruction (in England) is no longer to work from home, if possible, many businesses (including HAE EHA) will continue to adopt a hybrid working arrangement allowing more work to be done away from the traditional office environment, which, in turn, brings opportunities and reinforces work/life balance for many. But, has implications for career progression and training, cybersecurity and in developing networked, creative teams. While HAE EHA has worked hard to keep track of the ever-changing legislation and guidance across the four UK Nations, the support of our Chairman and Board has been a source of great strength. I would like to express my personal thanks to Brian Sherlock for his outstanding support and to those other retiring Board members who have served the Association so well during this unprecedented time. Looking back at the association’s AGM on July 28 th , I would also like to welcome the new board members and HAE Chairman, Neil Bravery. Neil is the MD of SHC Hire Centres and in addition to his work on the board, is involved across multiple sector groups. We all wish Neil well in his term as Chairman. Finally, there are two dates for your diary going forward. The HAE EHA Golf Day is taking place at Sandford Springs Hotel and Golf Club, Kingsclere, Hampshire on Wednesday, September 1st. We really enjoyed showcasing the talent and innovation within the industry at the Hire Awards of Excellence which was live streamed on the 20th May. We are delighted to announce that we will return to London for the 2022 Hire Awards of Excellence at the Grosvenor House Hotel, Park Lane on May 7th, 2022. Please contact our marketing team regarding both events . << WELCOME TO THE SUMMER EDITION OF INTERFACE MAGAZINE
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