Spring 2021 03 PAUL GAZE, CEO UPDATES ON THE LATEST AT HAE EHA LIGHT IS GETTING BRIGHTER WITHIN THE TUNNEL A VIEW FROM ON HIGH Welcome to the Spring Edition of Interface Magazine. Paul Gaze CEO applications for the Hire Awards of Excellence 2021. In particular the level of innovation and product development that was showcased and the responses dealing with Covid-19 were exceptional. I am passionate about the hire sector and I look forward to catching up with you during the year ahead. << I was delighted to be appointed CEO Designate in September 2020 and from the beginning of the new financial year in April 2021 to take on the role of HAE EHA Chief Executive Officer. I look forward to working with members and leading the team going forward. I would like to thank Graham Arundell, the board and the staff at HAE EHA for their support. As more and more people receive their vaccinations, the light is most certainly getting brighter through the tunnel. A huge amount of effort is still required on the road to recovery from the pandemic, but we do continue to progress through the various legislative milestones. As we move through the year, it continues to be an economically challenging time for some members, especially in the events sector. As an industry, hire is well- placed to be at the forefront of the recovery. However, the pressures on costs, requirement to examine more efficient ways of working and changes to work practices are here to stay. As your association, we continue work on a day-to-day basis dealing with the challenges facing the industry - in particular the drive towards new environmental standards and the opening up of the events sector. We continue to liaise with Governmental bodies and have participated in a wide range of working groups, sector workshops and stakeholder groups to represent the interest of members. I was delighted to see both the quality and the record number of
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