
28 Spring 2021 W e are now a year on from Boris Johnson’s address to the nation, where he told the British public to stay at home to help prevent the spread of Covid-19. Two further lockdowns later, the ‘high street’ had remained empty, two-metre social distancing is still in place, face masks continue to be mandatory and we still can’t hug our friends and family. With all this in mind, we are left to reflect on what has been one of the most difficult years in our country’s history as we try to prevent the number of Covid-19 related deaths exceeding 150,000. In the wake of easing lockdown restrictions, HAE EHA provided support in the fight to prevent the spread of coronavirus and assist the construction industry and hire sector’s recovery. LOBBYING GOVERNMENT HAE EHA regularly contacts members to keep up-to-date with how the national and regional restrictions are impacting their business activities in terms of staffing, logistics, government support etc. As a trade body for the hire industry we then lobby ministers, UK and Devolved Nations government officials on the contribution of the hire sector in supporting essential public services, or the plight of the event supply sector which has been left unaided by various government schemes. COVID-19 WEEKLY UPDATES HAE EHA has produced regular Covid-19 updates, helping members stay up-to-date with coronavirus during these challenging times. The updates contain information on Covid-19, its impact on the plant, tool and event equipment hire sectors, and links to useful and important resources; which can be used by both businesses and individuals employed in the industry. The newsletters were originally issued bi-weekly, between April and July, and weekly from July onwards. How HAE EHA has supported the hire industry ONE YEAR OF LOCKDOWNS Covid-19 Supporting the Hire Industry

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