
Spring 2021 13 We had to re-write method statements and risk assessments and implement procedures that would ensure the safety of our people but remain operational as an essential services provider in the UK. It’s amazing how quickly we’ve all adapted to the new way of working and how efficient we’ve remained in the process. What did you find was the hardest aspect to deal with? BC: For me, and most of our people, it was not having the projects that we work on year in, year out. Take Badminton Horse Trials as an example, we’ve supplied equipment to the event for over 40 years, it’s a really important and valued part of our business, for that suddenly not to be happening, along with countless other regular events, it was tough. We missed both the people and the work that are like a business body clock! Also, the uncertainty was a struggle, you feel a real responsibility to the people that you employ and the events that you supply to. As we emerge from lockdown and it looks more and more likely that events will be back later what challenges does that present? BC: Planning is the biggest thing. There’s still a fair amount of uncertainty and we’re currently modelling for every eventuality on a daily basis. More events have been announced now and on the whole consumer confidence seems to be there. There’s added pressure on the equipment caused by condensing the event calendar into July, August and September and also so many suppliers, ourselves included are now supplying to infrastructure which typically has longer hire periods. We’ve also redeployed kit into Europe as there’s a lot of activity in the infrastructure sectors on the continent. We know that there will definitely be certain events, for example the major sporting fixtures, that will all happen even if they’re behind closed doors. But even that changes the amount of equipment required and adds another layer of uncertainty. We’re proactively trying to meet the demand. We want to work with our clients and support them in bouncing back so we’re negotiating deposits and we’re happy to be flexible as we can be but of course, we need to responsibly protect the business. By working together with the customers, we have managed to agree a way forward. It’s testament to the team how we were able to re-focus so quickly when there were no events on the horizon and that we’re now in a position where we’re fulfilling major projects in other sectors and still continuously striving to meet the needs of our long-standing clients. There’s no doubt that 2021 will be as challenging as 2020 but this time we’re definitely moving in the right direction and on the road to recovery. << ‘There’s no doubt that 2021 will be as challenging as 2020 but this time we’re de nitely moving in the right direction and on the road to recovery.’

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