Heat Pumps Today

14 Info www.icgheatpumps.co.uk/ June | July 2023 C O MM E R C I A L H E A T P U M P S Other environmental benefits of C0 2 We have predominantly used synthetic refrigerants in refrigeration, chiller, heat pump and AC systems for the last century. We started with CFC’s and HCFC’s but after using them for decades, we discovered that they had ozone depleting potential so, we banned them, and replaced with HFC’s. After using HFC’s for a while, we discovered that they had high global warming potential. From 1st January 2015, due to F-gas regulations, we started a phase down of HFCs and instigated bans on use of the refrigerants in new equipment within certain sectors. A recent European parliament vote means that the HFC phase down is very likely to get accelerated. The proposed road map would mean that HFC’s would be banned in most HVAC equipment by 2030 and in many as early as 2026/2028. What we know for sure, is that the use of HFC refrigerants in HVAC equipment is on bided time and that sooner or later they will be almost completely banned or phased out. Another family of synthetic refrigerants (HFO’s) were introduced to the market about 10 years ago. Introduced due to their relatively low global warming potential, they have been championed as a replacement for HFC’s in many types of HVAC equipment. However, it is now known that when these chemicals are released to atmosphere they break down and create high levels of trifluoroacetic acids (TFA). Although naturally occurring, many universities believe that the use of HFO refrigerants is contributing to increased levels of TFA in the atmosphere, which in turn is getting into the artic ice cores and our lakes and rivers. There is growing concern that this could contaminate our drinking water and eventually cause damage to human health. Synthetic refrigerants not good So, for a number of reasons, we can conclude that all current synthetic refrigerants are not good. If we look at history and the current situation, we wouldn’t be being over dramatic to suggest that it is more than possible that all synthetic refrigerants will either be banned or their use severally limited to applications which are critical and can’t use anything else, either sooner or later. C0 2 (R744) is classed as a natural refrigerant, it has zero ozone depleting potential, it has no PFSA chemicals (Perfluoroalkyl-and polyfluoroalkyl substances) and it has a global warming potential (GWP) of 1. C0 2 heat pumps are the ultimate solution for DHW production, their use will result in reduced C0 2 emissions, lower running costs and use a refrigerant which is truly future proof. ICG Heat Pumps are the only independent, specialist supplier of commercial heat pumps in the UK. We offer low GWP and natural refrigerant heat pump solutions for all applications.

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