Heat Pumps Today

09 N E W S www.acrjournal.uk/heat-pumps Blenheim Estate Homes is awaiting planning permission to build what is believed to be the largest rural development of PassivHaus standard homes in the UK. The new community, in Woodstock, is planned to include in the region of 180 net- zero living homes that require little heating or cooling – resulting in a significant reduction in energy bills for future residents. 50% of the homes provided will be a… ordable. The scheme is designed around people, and it incorporates large green open spaces, and will feature a mix of houses and apartments, private a… ordable rent, shared equity and homes suitable for first-time buyers in various sizes built using traditional local materials, to ensure, whilst future proofed and climate protecting, they are in-keeping with the historic Oxfordshire town. New and existing green corridors will link the community to surrounding habitats encouraging wildlife to flourish. Tree- lined roads, cycle paths and pedestrian connections are proposed, many of which will connect to the centre of Woodstock. Secure community hub buildings, which will also act as additional car parking spaces, will be located within two minutes of everyone’s front door and could also incorporate hub facilities for local ‘hot desk’ oŽce working, home delivery lockers, fast electric vehicle charging and electric cycle hire. Blenheim Estate Homes Plans to Build Britain’s Biggest Rural Passivhaus Community Grant UK’s Head O ce moves to larger premises Grant UK has moved to new premises with the Company’s Head OŽce, warehousing and Training Academy now based in Swindon, Wiltshire. The Company’s new site includes oŽces and storage facilities that are three times larger than their previous premises, allowing Grant UK to continue to expand in the sustainable heating sector. For over 25 years, Grant UK has been supplying award winning heating products and developing its range of support services for customers. During this time, the Company has significantly grown in size and after trading in Salisbury for a number of years, Grant UK moved to Devizes, Wiltshire where their sales, training, technical, marketing and distribution teams have been based since 2003. Nearly two decades on, Grant UK has undergone further expansion and has moved to a new site in Swindon which was formally opened on 3rd November 2022. The new facilities in Swindon are considerably larger, totalling over 80,000sqft. In addition to providing greater oŽce spaces and significantly increased on-site storage capacity, the new site has also enabled Grant UK’s Training Academy to be expande. An integral part of the renovation project was sustainability and they have implemented numerous environmentally friendly measures throughout the site. www.grantuk.com

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