Heat Pumps Today

www.acrjournal.uk/heat-pumps 27 but not wired or set-up. It is a fact most fossil fuel boilers and systems are never commissioned at all. It is likely a pre-insulated DHW storage facility is needed to be added when installing a Heat Pump, often a cupboard or space can be found to accommodate it, so many clever ones on the market to choose from, even talking to your PV’s if you have them installed. A full and thorough site investigation is paramount for the outdoor unit, the obvious is the actual location of the unit as it is external to the building, noise has to be considered, it requires adequate air space and possible inquisitive fingers. We then consider the mains electrical supply and the consumer unit can cope. The penetration into the home of services such as; the pipework and insulation, ideally pre-insulated as opposed to a loose fitting, poorly applied product. Sleeves should be inserted throughout the inner and outer walls then sealed o‚. Can you prove it? After all the work is completed, tested and run-up, proper commissioning should be carried out. This is not just a few minutes but a few hours, allow for a return visit if practicable. Controls to be set-up, flow rates, flow temperatures. Can you prove your design is actually delivering on the promise to the customer. A commissioning sheet should be completed explained too and signed o‚ by your customer. Spending time with the home owner/ operator, one question always asked, “The radiators don’t appear to be as hot as before” You may reply well the set point for this room is 21°C my digital thermometer shows it is. Perception is by far the main critique by the customer after a HP has been installed. Another classic is; my radiator is cold… question; are you cold, answer “NO”… again perception. With any heating installation certainly in winter, other than those closed o‚ O P I N I O N Info www.bbc-consultancy.com (decorative covers) for whatever reason, the radiator will show signs of heat retention irrespective of the temperature. Education Finally, now and into the future, education is needed as heating systems are designed for lower water flow temperatures. Remember any radiator selected should be designed for the new era of home heating existing homes and new, simply the lower the flow temperature, the bigger the surface area of the radiator to meet the heat loss from that space.

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