Heat Pumps Today

05 CMYK / .ai CMYK / .ai CMYK / .ai www.acrjournal.uk/heat-pumps C O N T E N T S RELAUNCH ISSUE APRIL/MAY 2021 www.acrjournal.uk/heat-pumps NEW DATE!! 20/10/2021 2021 10th THEMIDLAND HOTEL MANCHESTER ESSENTIAL INFORMATION FOR INSTALLERS HPTCover.indd 1 24/03/2021 11:29 Editor Juliet Loiselle MInstR Julietl@warnersgroup.co.uk Multimedia Sales Executive Robyn Teague 01778 395029 robyn.teague@warnersgroup.co.uk Editorial Design Ady Braddock Advertising Design Natalie Reynolds Production Sue Ward 01778 392405 production@warnersgroup.co.uk Publisher Juliet Loiselle CompCIPHE/MInstR 01778 391067 julietl@warnersgroup.co.uk Published by: Warners Group Publications Plc The Maltings, West Street, Bourne, Lincs, PE10 9PH 01778 391000 01778 394748 www.warnersgroup.co.uk © Copyright 2021 PRINTED BY WARNERS 01778 395111 20 Survey identifies key success factors for heat pump installers 21 Hope and heat pumps 22 Time to act on R290 23 Various challenges the industry faces 25 Don’t be ruled by consumer initiatives 26 Installation challenges result in the perfect package 28 Landmark Renewable Heating Scheme cuts heating costs 30 What’s new – the latest in innovation and technology 21 24 CONTENTS 08 The Commercial Heat Pump Retrofit Revolution 10 National ACR & Heat Pump Awards 12 Time to tip the balance on the ‘good news’ stories 13 Big moves into the heat pump market 14 Co-op food store - a de-carbonise heat project 16 Delivering net-zero carbon buildings 17 Growing heat pump market will support the green transition 18 Winning the heat generation game

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