Heat Pumps Today
15 CMYK / .ai CMYK / .ai CMYK / .ai www.acrjournal.uk/heat-pumps A D V E R T O R I A L Mr Crowther explained how pleased he was with the outcome “Good temperatures were being experienced in the shop, with a sales floor temperature of between 22° to 24°C being normal, with relatively low external ambient conditions”. The ambient had clearly fallen well below freezing during the winter months in 2020/21 with no adverse effect to the store heating. Indeed, on a recent Clade revisit to the store, the store manager was interviewed in order to understand how the new heat pump was working and to obtain the views of colleagues. Matt Evans, Trago Mills, Co-op store manager explains “Prior to the new heat pump being installed, the store heating systems had struggled and often colleagues had felt cold and would need to wrap up warmly. Once this became known to Co-op FM, the new system was quickly organised and following its installation the store has been much warmer. Colleagues and customers, since commenting on the difference the new heating system has made”. The system is remotely monitored by Clade Engineering and Co-op. This support function allows the maintaining contractor to call on Clade’s expertise should the need arise and has also permitted Clade to further enhance the control of the heat pump in ambient conditions below freezing, thus maintaining an all-year- round natural refrigeration heating solution that the customer has complete confidence in. With decarbonisation at the heart of the Governments build back green planning, alongside its ten-point plan Clades CO 2 and Hydrocarbon heat pump product ranges are well placed to support the Co-op, its supply chain and its customers in the drive to decarbonise. Co-op Power helps clients access good quality, good value renewable power and help them on the route to zero carbon. Heat pumps using natural refrigerants are a key technology in delivering this for many sectors we work with from schools to food manufacturing as well as Co-op Group stores. This project helped de-carbonise heat for this store and demonstrated a clear business case for wider deployment. Many companies are paying 5-6 times more for power than gas, making the business case for heat pumps hard. We found that by buying energy better and avoiding peak prices paybacks already look good. As energy costs, Our modelling shows that as natural gas costs increase, the value of the flexible electrified heating improves, delivering lower life cycle costs for heat pumps. As companies, like the Co-op, move to internal carbon prices this strengthens the business case further.
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