Bursar’s Review Sample

Autumn 2022 www.theisba.org.uk 6 News At the Labour party conference, Shadow Secretary of State for Education, Bridget Phillipson, outlined Labour’s policy to ‘end the tax breaks private schools enjoy’ by imposing the 20 percent rate of VAT on school fees and removing the financial benefits of charitable status (including the mandatory 80 percent of business rates relief) from those schools which currently have them. The ISC and its member associations are challenging this policy, and the ISC has put together a statement in which its chief executive, Julie Robinson, has said that ‘Labour’s proposal to charge VAT on independent school fees is a tax on aspiration, which would have the greatest impact on hard-working parents striving to do the best for their children’. Julie went on to say: “…Ultimately, the policy would threaten the survival of the smallest independent schools, which operate on tight margins and without large endowments. Most independent schools have fewer than 400 pupils on roll, and these small schools, serving their local communities, would be at risk of closure. “Everyone working in independent schools wants to see a well-funded state school system and for all children to get a great education. Research shows that Labour’s policy will reduce the amount of money available to improve state schools. In the fifth year of a policy, with independent schools closing and additional pupils moving into the state sector, the Department for Education will be losing more than £400 million per year from the schools’ budget. “Instead of counter-productive tax rises on parents, independent schools want to support state schools by building upon partnership work with their friends and colleagues in the state sector. Thousands of these projects are underway, improving education for all, and strengthening bonds between schools. Partnership – not punitive taxes – is the best way for independent schools to contribute to catch-up efforts and create more learning opportunities for all pupils”. The ISC and the associations will continue to monitor this issue closely and highlight the research carried out by Baines Cutler Solutions looking at Labour’s VAT on fees policy which found that it would cost the Government at least £416m in its fifth year once pupil displacement and VAT recovery is taken into account. (Read the report at https://tinyurl.com/2amf8zpe ) You can find a template letter on VAT at https://www.isc.co.uk/member-zone/vat- and-charity-tax-changes/ as well as a guide to engaging MPs. (ISC members’ zone login required). You can also find your school’s MP contact details and information at https:// www.isc.co.uk/member-zone/your-mp- constituency/ . (ISC members’ zone login required). The ISC recommends you use these guides and templates only as a startin g point – your communications will be most effective if they are authentic and reflect the reality of your school’s situation. Wherever possible, information about the impact of the policy should be based on planning you have undertaken – so that it stands up to scrutiny from sceptical MPs. Any school seeking to engage their MP on this, or begin a conversation with their MP, is strongly encouraged to contact Matthew Dent – the ISC’s public affairs and policy officer – on matthew.dent@isc.co.uk or 020 7766 7059 for bespoke advice and support. It is also extremely helpful if schools can report engagement efforts already underway, so that the ISC can track which politicians are engaged and better co-ordinate a whole-sector response. Matthew is also very happy to answer any questions from schools concerned about the policy, or with questions about the wider political situation. ISBA is offering a strategy day to schools – on 5 December in Bradford – which will brief members on this issue and all the emerging political, financial and legislative threats likely to affect schools in the next three years. We’ll explore how schools can produce a realistic risk register and generate a robust financial strategy that is also agile for these ever-changing times. We highly recommend members attend the strategy day and book at https://www.theisba.org.uk/ login/?url=https://members.theisba.org. uk/cpd/courses-and-webinars/ Challenging Labour policy to end ‘tax breaks’ Could ISBA Recruitment help you? ISBA Recruitment offers schools a comprehensive and cost-effective bursar recruitment service, whether they are looking to fill an interim or permanent role in the UK or internationally. ISBA has seen increasing movement in the bursar market recently and the service has proved popular since it was launched earlier this year. With an in-depth knowledge of the bursar role, a unique insight into independent schools’ needs and an unrivalled understanding of exactly what it takes to deliver a high-quality appointee via a successful and testing recruitment process, ISBA Recruitment is perfectly positioned to help your school. The exclusive school support community and networks fostered by ISBA make ISBA Recruitment the first stop for both individuals looking for a new role, and schools seeking to fill a vacancy. "Bethany School decided to use the ISBA recruitment service for the recent appointment of its bursar. This involved using the services of Hillcrest Search Limited who worked in harmony with the ISBA COO, John Murphie. Lucy Wyatt from Hillcrest and John ascertained what Bethany was looking for in a bursar. Hillcrest advertised it promptly and created a long list of candidates whom they sent us to gauge our opinion. Hillcrest then created a shortlist and discussed these people in detail with us, providing us with all of the necessary detail. From this shortlist, Bethany interviewed the candidates and succeeded in what we believe is an excellent appointment. I was very impressed indeed with the professionalism and speed of Hillcrest and would have no hesitation whatsoever on using their services again. They were first class in every respect". Francie Healy, headmaster, Bethany School Please do not hesitate to contact us in order to find out more about this recruitment service by visiting either www.isbarecruitment.org.uk or simply email us at: recruiting@theisba.org.uk

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