Bursar’s Review Sample

5 @the_isba Autumn 2022 £6.99 | TheOfficialMagazineof the ISBA Autumn 2022 The Bursar’s Review Autumn 2022 Sustainabilityandsurging energygridprices Page46 Businessrates–whatwill the 2023revaluationmean for independentschools? Page 62 With this issue: Supporting independent schools supplement – equality, diversity and inclusion STRATEGY FOR SCHOOLS IN UNCERTAIN TIMES Page8 BR_Autumn2022_COVER.indd 1 10/10/2022 11:46 Check List TOP TIPS Just as we come out of the COVID crisis, we go straight into an economic crisis that promises to potentially damage schools over a longer period than the pandemic did. So over the next two years a well-constructed, regularly revised, realistic risk register will be an essential part of the governance of a school. PAGE 8 Out of all the articles in this issue of the Bursar’s Review, we have agged up some of the most critical topics for you to think about: 26 Technology and security challenges • Transforming IT from a purely operational function to a proactive and innovative service requires staff with appropriate skills • Ensure your IT team has put appropriate controls in place, that they are working effectively and are regularly tested 34 Arguments commonly raised by parents and dispute resolution • Post-COVID, five arguments which are frequently raised are force majeure, breach of contract, frustration, unfairness, and discrimination • A school’s terms and conditions will always be fundamental to the resolution of any legal dispute with parents 46 The relevance of net zero as grid energy prices surge • There is no need to reduce the school’s reliance on grid power in order to become a net zero carbon school estate • Energy prices are much higher than anticipated and eventually the assistance will stop, so prices will rise yet further 54 Tear down or spruce up? What to do with existing buildings • New-build comes without the compromises to function that an existing building may have • Retrofitting has its limits, but nowadays it simply must be tested 62 Business rates • The loss of the charitable relief is now a reality in Scotland, with an expectation that England and Wales will follow • Get ready for the substantial changes to the rating systems that are coming at pace – and budget accordingly 68 The case for collaboration • Successful mergers are between schools where culture and ethos match • Key to any collaboration is governance and, importantly, how decisions will be taken relating to the school 74 Managing reputational risk • Often, ‘strategic silence’ online and in the media stops a difficult story growing • Clearing up after negative stories is an important yet often overlooked process 80 Protecting your brand • Check that your school’s name and reputation are properly protected • Care should be taken before publicising a new venture without looking into the trade mark position beforehand 84 Leading your school up the success curve • Provide your governors with training on finance matters • Be open in sharing your assessment of risks and your concerns 62

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