Bursar’s Review Sample

3 @the_isba Autumn 2022 Sometimes I sit down and think about when I used to write these welcome pages for the Bursar’s Review and I didn’t have to begin them by using the words ‘challenges’, ‘uncertain times’ or ‘unprecedented’. Maybe those were the halcyon days – certainly there is no denying that once again we find ourselves in a state of flux; the new term, monarch, prime minister and cabinet have subsequently been followed with economic market turmoil, soaring inflation, an increasing energy crisis and rising infection rates which show that COVID (despite our greatest hopes) has not gone anywhere. Schools too have had to familiarise themselves this term with new regulatory demands (and subsequently update all their documentation) – a new Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE), ISI Commentary and National Minimum Standards for Boarding to name just a few. What this all shows is that schools need support more than ever before, and this is something which is at the forefront of our minds every day here at ISBA. From the rising costs you are all facing to the operational day-to-day management issues (the impact of the recent Harpur Trust v Brazel judgment being just one that we are receiving many queries from members on) we seek to provide you with tailored assistance, whether that be on the phone, email, via the guidance we publish in the reference library, bulletins and this magazine, or at one of our webinars or in-person professional development courses. On page 10 you’ll find a feature written by ISBA’s chief operating officer, John Murphie, which focuses on the emerging financial and legislative threats likely to affect schools in the next three years. On this theme we are running the third of our popular strategy days for members on 5 December in Bradford. These courses cover high-level strategic issues facing the sector and consider options for bursars, heads and governors to face up to these operationally and in longer term plans. If you have missed the first two, we strongly recommend you join us in Bradford and book your place as soon as you can (more details on page 89). Wishing you all the best for the autumn term. Editorial Welcome to the Autumn issue …from ISBA’s chief executive, David Woodgate. Bluett House,Unit 11-12,Manor Farm,Cliddesden, Basingstoke,Hampshire,RG25 2JB T: 01256 330369 E: office@theisba.org.uk W: www.theisba.org.uk @the_isba www.linkedin.com/company/independent-schools '- bursars-association/ COMPANY NO:6410037 REGISTERED CHARITY:1121757 CHAIR: Neil Cufley CHIEF EXECUTIVE: David Woodgate BSc (Hons) MBA FRSA EDITOR : Gillian Goode E: bursarsreview@theisba.org.uk PUBLISHER: Simon Moody PRODUCTION EDITOR: Nicky Rogers T: 01778 391128 E: nickyr@warnersgroup.co.uk EDITORIAL DESIGN: Ryan Housden ADVERTISING DESIGN: Natalie Reynolds ADVERTISING MANAGER: Jayne Notley T: 01778 391189 E: jaynen@warnersgroup.co.uk ADVERTISING PRODUCTION: Natalie Reynolds E: productionc@warnersgroup.co.uk PRINTING: Warners Midlands Plc This publication is printed by Warners 01778 395111 PUBLISHING Warners Group Publications,The Maltings, West Street,Bourne,Lincs,PE10 9PH T: 01778 391000 The Bursar’s Review has been carefully prepared, but articles are published without responsibility on the part of the publishers or authors for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of any view, information or advice included therein.Articles published in the Bursar’s Review do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Independent Schools’ Bursars Association, nor can the Independent Schools’ Bursars Association, the publishers or authors accept any responsibility for any claims made by advertisers. David Woodgate Chief executive

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