ACR Journal

October 2022 | November 2022 The Innovation Zone PRODUCTS & SERVICES 36 Volume 8 No.6 AERMEC RAISES THE BAR IN FAN COIL DESIGN Aermec says its innovative VEC-i fan coil unit heralds the next generation of cassette systems. The VEC-I works smarter by combining e ciencies with significant reductions in embodied carbon. The VEC-i features integrated di users delivering air straight into the room so that the jets of air adhere to the ceiling, creating a Coanda e ect and a draught-free environment. Operationally very quiet, the unit’s high e ciency even at low speed reduces power consumption by 55% compared to a standard fan coil unit. Aermec’s VEC-i o ers total comfort for a variety of projects where a compact air conditioning solution is required. The unit o ers impressive features including a dual intake centrifugal fan that is particularly quiet and a brushless electric motor with 0-100% continuous speed variation which allows the unit to respond to the real demands of its internal environment without temperature fluctuations. Addressing the need to reduced embodied carbon emissions underpins the design of the VEC-i. Aermec’s strategy incorporated a holistic approach and in line with CIBSE’s own TM65 methodology focused on product weight and ease of maintenance resulting in a design that combines the smallest weight with low operational energy and ease of maintenance. The VEC-i fan coil unit weights 32kg and o ers low embodied carbon benefits compared to standard fan coil units - 75% embodied carbon savings, and o ering 85% more embodied carbon savings than chilled beams. Aermec carried out extensive modelling. Based on a 15-year period of operation and using CIBSE’s methodology, it was calculated that the VEC-i represents only 18% of total embodied carbon (KgCO2e), confirming that focusing on product weight is a key variable. Key benefits: - Low embodied carbon - Low operational energy - Low noise - Ease of maintenance - Operational comfort - Low installation costs - Eurovent certified performance CONDAIR DEHUMIDIFIER WITH EXTERNAL CONDENSER Condair is launching the DC-N, a condensing dehumidifier with an external condenser unit that can dry an area without the risk of overheating. Traditional condensing dehumidifiers introduce heat to a room from their built-in condensers when they dry the air. The DC-N’s external condenser allows the heat generated during drying to be remotely exhausted, similar to a split air conditioner. This makes it much easier to manage the temperature of a room that is being dehumidified. Dave Marshall-George, sales director at Condair, said: “Condensing dehumidifiers dry the air by creating a cold surface upon which moisture in the air condenses and drips to drain. This process generates heat, so the dry air leaving the dehumidifier can be several degrees warmer than the humid air entering it. For some projects, this added heat can cause an issue. When it is, ventilation is frequently used to control temperature. However, by introducing fresh air to control temperature, moisture can enter the room, making the humidity control less e ective. “The Condair DC-N is the ideal solution in these circumstances. When the room is cold and below the required temperature, the dehumidifier’s on-board condenser introduces heat as well as drying the air. Then when the room’s temperature set point is reached, the remote condenser activates, ejecting the heat externally rather than into the room. This allows a room to remain sealed, therefore providing e cient drying, whilst achieving the ideal internal temperature and humidity.” NEW R513A OPTION FOR HITACHI’S WATER-COOLED AND CONDENSERLESS CHILLERS To meet the EU F-Gas regulations and as part of its commitment to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Hitachi Cooling & Heating has expanded its portfolio of water- cooled and condenserless chillers by introducing a new eco-friendly R513A option on the RCME-WH1 and RCME-CLH1 Samurai L chillers. R513A is a low GWP HFO-based refrigerant developed to replace R134a in medium-temperature refrigeration systems. Composed of a blend of HFC-134a and HFO-1234yf, it’s a non-flammable azeotropic mixture with negligible temperature glide, a GWP of 631 and a zero ozone depletion potential (ODP). “This an exciting development for our new Samurai L chiller models, but we can also retrofit installed Samurai RCME-WH1 and RCME-CLH1 chillers to R513A as an eco-friendly upgrade,” said Tom Hall, direct channel manager UK. Hitachi’s online chiller selection tool has also been upgraded, with the HiToolKit for Industry software now including water-cooled and condenserless Samurai L units with the low-GWP R513A option.

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