ACR Journal

High efficiency secondary refrigerants for use in all types of cooling systems Helping you to choose the right refrigerant Refrigerants have been a vital component of refrigeration and air conditioning systems for over a hundred years. They are crucial to so many sectors including commercial and industrial refrigeration; food, process, manufacturing, pharmaceutical and utility industries. Established in 1998, Hydratech is a leading manufacturer and supplier of high eciency antifreeze, and non-toxic secondary refrigerants glycols, it prides itself in first class service that’s second to none. Over the last 20 years Hydratech has built-up an enviable customer base, including; Sainsbury’s, Siemens, Arla, Star Refrigeration, Brewdog and SSE. This has been achieved by providing detailed technical information and engineering support for each application and installation, matched with a unique ‘can do’ approach to logistics. Hydratech also have the expertise to formulate fluid solutions for bespoke applications. E.g. Combined Heat & Power, Pilot Cooling, Medical Devices etc. Hydratech have the experience and expertise to provide you with the fluid that meets all the requirements for your systems. This is further supported by o’ering a range of Fluid Management Services to maximise, monitor and maintain long-term thermal eciency. So, the next time you are looking for an innovative cooling solution, be sure to talk with the experts; For more info - info@ uk t. +44 (0)1792 586800 Refrige ant have been a vital component of refrigeration and air conditioning systems for over a hundred years. They are crucial to so many sectors including commercial and industrial refrigeration; food, process, manufacturing, pharmaceutical and utility industries. Established in 1998, Hydratech is a leading manufacturer and supplier of high efficiency antifre ze, and non-toxic secondary refrigerants glycols, it prides itself in first class service that’s second to none. Over the last 20 y ars Hydratech has built-up an enviable customer base, including; Sainsbury’s, Siemens, Arla, Star Refrigeration, Brewdog and SSE. This has been achieved by providing detailed technical information and engineering support for each application and installation, matched with a unique ‘can do’ approach to logistics. Hydratech also have the expertise to formulate fluid solutions for bespoke applications. E.g. Combined Heat & Power, Pilot C oling, Medical Devices etc. Hydratech have the experience and exper ise to provide you with the fluid that meets all th r quirements for your systems. This is further supported by offering a range of Fluid Management Services to maximise, monitor and maintain long-term thermal efficiency. So, the next time you are looking for an innovative cooling solution, be sure to talk with the experts; High efficiency secondary refrigerants for use in all types of cooling systems Manufacturers of heat transfer fluids, glycol cooling solutions, inhibitors and cleansers. A range of fully inhibited secondary refrigerants, for use in refrigeration, chilling and air conditioning systems. Helping you to choose the right refrigerant For mor e info - info@ t. +44 (0)1792 586800 Refrigerants have been a vital component of refrigeration and air conditioning systems for over a hundred years. They are crucial to so many sectors including commercial and industrial refrigeration; food, process, manufacturing, pharmaceutical and utility industries. Established in 1998, Hydr tech is a leading manufacturer and supplier of high effic ency antifreeze, and non-toxic seconda y refrigera ts glycols, it prides its lf in first class service that’s second to none. Over the last 20 years Hydratech has built-up an enviable customer base, including; Sainsbury’s, Siemens, Arla, Star Refrigeration, Brewdog and SSE. This has been achieved by providing detail d technical information and engineering support for each application and installation, matched with a unique ‘can do’ approach to logistics. Hydratech also have the expertise to formulate fluid solutions for bespoke applications. E.g. Combined Heat & Power, Pilot Cooling, Medical Devices etc. Hydratech have the experience and xpertise to provid you with the fluid that meets all the requirements for your syst ms. This is further supported by offering a range of Fluid Management Services to maximise, monitor and maintain long-term thermal efficiency. So, the next time you are looking for an innovative cooling solution, be sure to talk with the experts; High efficiency secondary refrigerants for use in all types of cooling systems Manufacturers of heat transfer fluids, glycol cooling solutions, inhibitors and cle nsers. A range of fully inhibited secondary refrigerants, for use in r frigeratio , chilling and air condition ng systems. Helping you to choose the right refrigerant For more info - info@hydratech t. +44 (0)1792 586 800 ADVERTORIAL 25 CMYK / .ai CMYK / .ai CMYK / .ai

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