ACR Journal
June | July 2020 CHILLERS 20 Volume 6 No.4 Since RODEM was first launched in 2014 we have established remote access for chillers at sites across the UK. The current coronavirus crisis has seen the system come into its own. Despite many clients eectively shutting their doors, we retain full service access to RODEM-equipped chillers across our portfolio of sites. RODEM is at the cutting edge of Machine to Machine (M2M) internet technology, and only now are reliable, industrial grade, interactive 3G / 4G routers becoming available to the market. The latest feature external alert capability. Crisis control with RODEM ThermOzone Director Trevor Dann explains why he believes the coronavirus crisis has shown RODEM to be the most powerful chiller service tool available. We are no longer reliant upon the client notifying us of a problem, or discovering this at a routine remote service check. “RODEM 2” alerts us to any machine going into fault via email, so we know within a few seconds of a site issue, allowing us to be pro-active in assessing what is wrong. We even get a follow-up email when a fault clears. RODEM has also proven that in a considerable majority of fault situations we can resolve the immediate issue remotely, with further site attendance simply not necessary, or where minor background issues can be dealt with at a future routine site physical visit. After ~6 years of service, RODEM has eliminated ~85% of physical site attendance to breakdown-related call- outs, response is generally ~15 minutes from first call, or autoemail alert. For most clients physical servicing costs have reduced up to 50%, and when the peripheral benefits are considered RODEM® is entirely self-funding with a surplus from reduced revenue costs (energy savings from optimisation and increased uptime). The system allows full service access to RODEM-equipped chillers
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