Potato Review

Keeping in touch Your support makes a life-changing difference to people in crisis. We write to our supporters to update you about the work of the British Red Cross, and how you can help and donate in other ways. You can change the way we contact you at any time by visiting redcross.org.uk/keepingintouch or calling Freephone 0800 2800 491. Privacy statement The British Red Cross is committed to privacy and will use personal data for the purpose it was collected or other legitimate purposes we tell you about: for example, to provide goods, services or information you have requested or to administer donations or services we provide. We may also analyse data we collect to better understand the people who support us or those who use or deliver our services. Sometimes this means us combining that data with information from reliable public sources. Our research allows us to tailor communications and services in a more focused and cost-effective way, as well as better meeting your needs and the needs of others like you. However, we will never do this in a way that intrudes on personal privacy and will not use your data for a purpose that conflicts with previously expressed privacy preferences. For full details about how we use personal data, our legal basis for doing so and your privacy rights, please see our privacy notice online at redcross.org.uk/privacy. The Ukraine Crisis Appeal will support people in areas currently affected and those potentially affected in the future by the crisis. In the event that we raise more money than can be reasonably and efficiently spent, any surplus funds will be used to help us prepare for and respond to other humanitarian disasters anywhere in the world. For more information visit https://donate.redcross.org.uk/appeal/disaster-fund *Texts cost £10 +1 standard message (we receive 100%). For full T&Cs visit redcross.org.uk/mobile , must be 16+. The British Red Cross Society, incorporated by Royal Charter 1908, is a charity registered in England and Wales (220949), Scotland (SC037738), Isle of Man (0752) and Jersey (430). We need your help Photo © Arie Kievit / The Netherlands Red Cross Please give to our Ukraine Crisis Appeal today. By texting, you consent to future telephone and SMS marketing contact from British Red Cross. Text SHELTER NO to 70141 to give £10 without consenting to calls and texts.* Visit redcross.org.uk/shelter or text SHELTER to 70141 to make a £10 donation. Millions of people have no safe place to call home, because of ongoing violence in Ukraine. Families are trapped underground; hundreds of thousands of people still have no food, no water, no medical care, and no heat or electricity. Your donation means we can keep getting critical help to those who urgently need it, in Ukraine and its bordering countries.

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