Modern Building Services

FEATURE INSTALLER’S VIEW What does a compelling business case look like? A compelling and thorough case should include detail in these 5 areas: • A full evaluation of the financial case of the project • Analysis of the total value of the project to your organisation • Details of how the project aligns with stated business objectives and policies • A comprehensive list of benefits • Considered key risks and the strategies in place to mitigate them What decision-makers want Decision makers will be interested in cost reduction, improved environmental performance, connecting the project to the business’s net-zero strategy, or enhanced corporate reputation. Ideally, your project will offer a tempting financial return as well as worthwhile additional benefits. Focusing on the project benefits and how it aligns with the business is the most likely way to get decision-makers on side. Suggesting a pilot project and showing its results, evaluating the findings, and addressing any issues can give assurance against business risks. However, for larger projects, a detailed feasibility study will give a greater level of assurance from independent experts, suppliers, and installers that the expected cost and energy savings are achievable in their case. While conducting a feasibility study in-house sounds time- consuming, outsourcing to another provider can save your resource and provide a more detailed, and independent overview which can help the validity of your business case. Find a senior project sponsor Enlisting the support of someone at an appropriate level who can act as a supporter of your proposal can make a big difference. In small organisations this might be the owner or board member whom you know to be interested. In a large company, it might be a department head or senior management representative. A project sponsor will help you to understand the perspective of the decision- makers you are trying to influence and have a wider appreciation of related business issues that should be considered. Not only can they advocate for your project recommendation on the day the decision is taken, but in the crucial phase beforehand they can consult and reassure other senior decision makers. They may even be able to share examples of past proposals that they would regard as exemplary. The UK’s experts in commercial heating Total plant room solutions by Ideal Heating and ACV UK IMAX XTRA 2 EXPERTS

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