Modern Building Services

MODERN BUILDING SERVICES OCTOBER 2022 3 EDITOR’S COMMENT Managing Editor: Juliet Loiselle MInstR * J ✆ 01778 391067 Editor: David Crowson * David.crowson ✆ 01778 392401 Advertising: Robyn Teague – Sales Manager * ✆ 01778 395029 Production: Sue Ward * ✆ 01778 392405 Circulation & Subscriptions: DavidWade * ✆ 01438 759000 M BS MODERN BUILDING SERVICES Subs c ription rate for readers not meeting our terms of control. £40 per year UK £50 per year overseas £70 per year overseas, airmail £5 single issue UK WELCOME TO THE OCTOBER ISSUE OF MODERN BUILDING SERVICES A s I started to think about what to write in my comments, Liz Truss was appointed as the UK Prime Minister by Queen Elizabeth. Undoubtedly some of my comments would have focused on how Liz Truss intends to lead the government to tackle amongst other things the looming recession, the energy crisis, and UK’s overall contribution to climate change. However, I find that the global news and my thoughts are dominated by the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. While the Monarchy can be a divisive subject, many people will be mourning the loss of someone who has always been present in their lives. I believe we have a lot to admire about Queen Elizabeth II reign for the past 70 years. “May Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II rest in peace” In this issue we discuss the extremely topical Net Zero and Smart Buildings. On page 17 Peter Sayce, Product and Commercial Development Officer at Bramble Energy says the industry must go further to make sure that any new infrastructure is built in the most efficient way possible, and existing stock is improved and repurposed where possible. Decarbonising buildings is a huge task, but digital technologies, coupled with collaboration across sectors and stakeholders, can help make the vision of smart, sustainable infrastructure a reality, says Fabio Mercurio of ABB Smart Buildings. Turn to page 24 to read more. Phil Cross, CEO at amBX says, this is why we are focusing on developing solutions to control and integrate smart lighting in buildings. When smart building technology challenges and opportunities are considered, much more value can be added to create future-proofed solutions. Read more on page 30. David Crowson

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