Modern Building Services

EDITOR’S COMMENT MODERN BUILDING SERVICES JUNE 2021 3 W elcome to the June issue of MBS, we are packed full of features and further tasters on what’s happening within the news. Topics include; commissioning, engineering, the design and installation of some highly-specialised buildings, some health & safety issues as well as a plethora of articles covering Cooling and Ventilation. A new EUA report says, without a choice of different heat technologies for UK housing stock, decarbonisation of heat will fail. Ultimately, it means that heat pumps alone will not solve the question of UK domestic heat decarbonisation, and must be supported by a mosaic of heating solutions, including a hydrogen gas network, if the UK is to deliver on its net zero ambition, a new report reveals today. What do you think? With the International Data Corporation (IDC) predicting that there will be 175ZB of data stored by 2025 compared to 33ZB in 2018, it’s seemingly clear that demand for data centres will continue to rise dramatically. It’s suggested this has been further accelerated by Covid-19 as organisations turn to digital means of working and data becomes ever more integral to research and development across all industries. Turn to page 20 to see what Billy Durie, Global Head of Sector – Data Centres at Aggreko has to say about this. What have building engineers ever done for us? We know that building services have social and economic value, but how do we prove it? Just some of the questions that David Frise, CEO of the Building Engineering Services Association (BESA) part of the Actuate UK alliance addresses. Commissioning Management – Where is it now and where is it going? Keith Barker, Director of CSA Member, Tectonic Techniques, and Chair of the CSA Marketing Committee, offers his considered appraisal. Looking forward, the July/August issue will be published last week of July. This will be a bumper title, covering Indoor Air Quality, Electrical Services, and more on HVAC. We’ll also be looking at some of the events opening up. Networking opportunities and client visits are being planned and booked. Let’s look at what we can celebrate! Definitely excited about getting out and about – see you soon! Juliet Loiselle CompCIPHE/MinstR Editorial: Juliet Loiselle MInstR – Editor * J ✆ 01778 391067 Advertising: Robyn Teague – Sales Manage r * ✆ 01778 395029 Production: Sue Ward * ✆ 01778 392405 Circulation & Subscriptions: DavidWade * ✆ 01438 759000 M BS MODERN BUILDING SERVICES Subs c ription rate for readers not meeting our terms of control. £40 per year UK £50 per year overseas £70 per year overseas, airmail £5 single issue UK Some manufacturers and suppliers have contributed towards the cost of reproducing some photographs in this issue. The views implied or expressed in this journal are not necessarily those of the Editor or Publisher, neither of whom accepts responsibility from errors in articles, or for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or illustrations.

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